Friends of Citizens Advice Kensington and Chelsea
Citizens Advice Kensington and Chelsea is an organisation of the community, for the community. We can only maximise the impact of our work with your help. “Friends of Citizens Advice Kensington and Chelsea” is a membership scheme where you can help us to reach more people who need our advice and guidance, and in return you can learn more about our services and our impact.
£150 annually
Package details:
Exclusive access to our Friends webpage, which includes:
Regular client good news stories.
Details of volunteering opportunities.
Details of our outreach sessions and community engagement programmes.
£500 annually
Package details:
Items included in Friendship package, plus:
Bi-annual in person meetings to hear about our projects and service developments.
Invitation to our AGM.
£1,500 annually
Package details:
Items included in Patronship package, plus:
Listed as a key supporter in our annual report.
Invitation to visit our projects and services in action.
Invitation to an annual champions lunch with our CEO.