Welfare Benefits Updates
June - August 2024 Update
(1) Issue of Universal Credit (UC) managed migration notices to housing benefit only claimants from 17 July
In a Move to UC Progress update issued to stakeholders on 23 July, the DWP advised that the original plan was to issue migration notices to housing benefit only claimaints in June but that was slightly delayed, allowing the required automation to be put in place in order to ensure migration is completed in a safe and scalable way. Issuing of migration notices to the Employment Support Allowance with child tax credits cohort started at the beginning of July, with notices also going out to the pension age tax credit cohort who have been identified as moving to pension credit. Those pension age tax credit customers identified as moving to UC are planned for September.
(2) Reminder: The two-child limit doesn’t apply to Child Benefit
There has been significant media coverage about the two-child limit in recent weeks. The two-child limit applies to Universal Credit, Child Tax Credits, and Housing Benefit, but only if no exceptions apply.
It's important to remember that the two-child limit does not apply to Child Benefit, and many parents or carers may not realise this. Advisers should routinely check whether clients have claimed Child Benefit for all the children and qualifying young persons (QYP) they’re responsible for. Child Benefit can only be backdated for a maximum of 3 months, so it’s crucial for clients who haven’t yet claimed Child Benefit for their third and subsequent children or QYPs to do so as soon as possible.
Please note that Child Benefit is considered when calculating the benefit cap. If claiming Child Benefit makes your client subject to the benefit cap, you should check if any exceptions to the benefit cap apply.
You can read about exceptions to the benefit cap on Advisernet.
(3) Changes to managed Universal Credit migration deferrals
Tax Credit claimants reaching state pension age on or after 1 November 2024 will now be invited to claim Universal Credit. Previously all claimants who were within 6 months of turning state pension age were deferred from managed migration. Additionally, a small number of terminally ill Employment and Support Allowance claimants who also claim Tax Credits will also be invited to claim Universal Credit.
These changes ensure continued benefit entitlement without a gap as Tax Credits end in April 2025.
(4) CPAG added New appeal submission template
CPAG have added a new appeal submission template for challenging the 'erosion' of the transitional element when the amount awarded for the housing costs element increases because the claimant satisfies the overnight care condition:
Access the resources here: Migration to UC tools and templates - Managed migration: transitional element.
Benefits Newscasts from the Benefits Training Co.