Learning and Development Working Group Updates

Next Meeting

Date to be confirmed

Link to Teams forthcoming.

15th August 2024

Matters discussed:

In anticipation of our exciting new service at St Charles Hospital, we received some training from Harpal Sokhi (Interim Service Manager for CAS/IDT (Community Access Service)) on how we can support people in mental health crises and psychosis when delivering advice.

You can re-watch the training here. If you cannot access the link please contact James Cairns.

Next steps:

Attendees expressed a desire for further training on dealing with aggressive clients and how to deescalate situations. In response to this, we have asked people to sign up to the Dealing with Aggression Webinar, which will take place on 3rd October 2024. We will be doing it all together in the office if you haven’t had chance to sign up yet.

Alternatively, you can sign up to any other session via the link above.