Directory of Services Working Group Updates

18th July 2024

Matters discussed:

At the Directory of Services Working Group this month we discussed entries for immigration issues that we can deliver within the remit of OISC Level One. Attendees at the meeting felt that more clarity was needed on the types of immigration issues on which we can provide support and how we ensure that we do not overstep boundaries into OISC Level Two or above. It was agreed that at this stage we should refer clients to immigration specialist services at the earliest opportunity to ensure client’s do not wait in our work queue for support when they could receive help swiftly elsewhere - for example, via a direct referral to the North Kensington Law Centre.

We discussed the Guidance on Competence provided by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner and committed to ensure that the next Directory of Services update would include details of the OISC Level One work that we could assist with and then the requirements for clients before we commit to providing advice on a particular immigration issue.

Next steps:

The next steps for the Directory of Services Working Group is for supervisory and lead members of our employed staff to compose some new entries for the Directory of Services across our generalist services to continue building the Directory for its subsequent edition.

20th June 2024

Matters discussed:

At the Directory of Services Working Group this month we discussed appointments that were being booked under the title ‘Income Maximisation’ and sought to breakdown what this meant so that advice team members had greater clarity about what to expected to be delivered at appointments. During our discussion we broke down income maximisation tasks into smaller tasks, including carrying out a benefit check (WFB-001), establishing the client’s eligibility for any charitable grants (no entry), conducting an income and expenditure assessment with debt assessment (DBT-002). There are also some instances where the clients situation needs a full triage with accompanying advice (TRG-005).

We agreed that it was preferable for appointments to be broken down and clearly identify the income maximisation related tasks that the adviser is expected to complete, along with the expected outcomes and within the expected timeframe. Going forward, this means that “Income Maximisation” should not be the title of an appointment booking but rather the specific category of task will have been identified so advice team members are clear on what needs to be achieved at the booked appointment.

Next steps:

Going forward, this means that “Income Maximisation” should not be the title of an appointment booking but rather the specific category of task will have been identified so advice team members are clear on what needs to be achieved at the booked appointment.